916-444-7777 24/7 operation
Co-Op Cab. A long time cab company in Sacramento and area. Good company and fair service. Give them a try. They have a new uber type app. Check it and see.
What the????

Monday, August 24, 2015
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Open Letter to Washington, D.C.
Open Letter to Congress and ersatz President Obama (and
We, the American people, are sorry to learn that you have
disavowed your oaths of office and are attempting to create a socialist state
to replace the American Republic.
While we wish you all the best in your endeavors to create
another failing socialist state dictatorship, we regret to inform you that the
rest of the nation will NOT be accompanying your on this trail of tears you are
mapping out.
We Americans are actually happy with the Constitution and
the rules therein that Congress and Washington, D.C. have been prostituting for
so many decades and we have to decided to re institute that document as the Law
of the Land.
By coincidence, we are also happy that you all have
congregated yourselves in that area of the country, so now you can continue on
your merry way without bothering us in our pursuit of Life, Liberty and
We will probably let you know about the rules you will have
to observe when you venture out amongst us REAL PEOPLE. Such as fiscal responsibility, truth in
advertising, legal voting and citizenship, but we think you won’t like it out
here in America, so you won’t be coming out much.
We have hundreds, if not thousands, of veterans of the
military who will gladly discuss with your “Federal Police Force” the
boundaries of what they can and cannot do in America. As well as your puppet alphabet agencies
whose overwatch of American activities has proven so irritating in the recent
As for your terrorist cohorts in high places, well, you can
keep them. They are not welcome in
America, never have been, never will be.
America is for Americans, wherever their birth, whatever
their creed or color. We have no need to
bring anymore dissension into our country.
We already argue among ourselves enough to make it a very interesting place to live. We don’t need your imported agents to help us
See how well your RACE CARD, or your RELIGIOUS BIAS cards function
when we Americans are hard at work getting our own act together.
Without the IRS, DHS, ATF, FBI, DEA, NSA, and dozens of
other agencies to help root out individualism, we will probably make some
surprising progress. Keep an eye on us
from your “IVORY TOWER”.
We know…. You control the Federal Reserve. Well, we made do without it before, We think
we can manage again.
So long, and thanks for all the political jokes, you can
have them back now.
8 January 2014
Federal Police,
United States
Friday, August 9, 2013
Bread and Circuses
In Ancient Rome:
In ancient Rome, about the time of Nero and Caligula, the rulers (the Patricians of the Senate and the Caesars) realised that they were severely outnumbered by the citizens of Rome, and the army of Rome was a little busy securing the Empire.So, they devised a plan to keep the citizens from getting restless and doing too much independent thinking. They provided bread to keep the hoi polloi from getting hungry enough to act and circuses in the arena to keep their minds off their own sad state of affairs.
Hence the origin of the term.
Times have changed and now the Patricians of our time and place use things like Food Stamps instead of bread, free cell phones, cable tv, and reality shows to keep the hoi polloi from getting restless.
And by keeping a constant show going in the political arena, they have managed to con the public with the illusion of self determination, of voting, of freedom of expression.
When, all the while, they (the Patricians) continually whittle at what little is left of these freedoms. Raising taxes for personal gain and/or projects that feather their own beds with little regard or concern for the devastation this practice causes individual citizens or businesses.
And the newest Caesar is so convinced of his own rectitude that he has embarked on a blatant campaign of deconstruction of the country, its values, its rights, its citizens and its place in the world at large.
When the King of Britain began to act in this manner, the "hoi polloi" or the "peasants" realized what was happening and rose up against these acts and established themselves as an independent nation, recognizing the rights of the "common man" as free men and women, not requiring anyone's permission to do or say what they believed in.
Now, our own government is quickly taking that freedom away from us under the guise of "protecting" us from specious threats, and in so doing, have become that very threat.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
So, I was wondering: What the Hell is it with Americans today?
Why do we put up with all this crap that just erodes our freedom, our initiative, our will to exist as a free people?
This government and our societal structure has been eroding the psyche of Americans for 50 or 60 years now, slowly but surely wearing us down from the Greatest Generation to Gen X, Y and Z.
We have either voluntarily given up or had taken away by bits and pieces virtually everything that used to represent Truth, Justice and The American Way.
Remember that phrase? Its from the first Superman TV series. And that was about the last time it actually meant something.
Since then, The American government has used its own people and servicemen in disgustingly dangerous experiments and/or programs with little or no regard to the rights, health and welfare of those individuals. From nerve gas and hallucinogens tested in subways of major cities to marching soldiers out into open fields and then exploding a nuclear device to see what effects it might have on those individuals.
Supreme Court decisions chipping away at the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
Legal barriers rising at all levels to protect government employees and agencies from responsibility and liability for their actions "under color of authority".
Governmental agencies and private bureaucracies fomenting rules, regulations and guidelines that have the force of law for the general citizenry.
Not so much for the American Nomenklatura, which is a Soviet term indicating those who are on the inside of the system that oppresses and or suppresses "the People", for whom they claim to speak. And, of course, their families, friends and proteges.
A class structure society has grown up, virtually undeclared and universally denied, but all the more real and factual for the "proletariat" (a Soviet epithet for the working and middle classes upon whose backs the society rides).
The "Big Lie" has become the order of the day. Mainstream media tirelessly promotes the status quo while also expounding on the faux image of modern American life.
Rap stars worth millions obscenity laden pseudo-poetry, sports stars making millions to act like violent apes,
Programming designed to create and/or foster the illusion that we are all going to be millionaires and superstars.
And millions of Americans are buying the "Big Lie". On credit. Or whatever it takes to "keep up with the Joneses".
So, I think I just answered my own question.
We have collectively bought the bullcrap "They" are selling. We did it to ourselves. Buying the Pie in the Sky. Trading our Freedoms for Security, while ending up with neither. Sticking our heads in the sand to avoid having to face the reality of our daily degradation.
And I say We intentionally, accepting my own share of guilt/shame/hopeless desperation and frustration attempting to rationalize the indignities foisted on me and my fellow Americans. The rights violations, the specious propaganda, the creeping socialism, the Sovietizing of America, The scandals of the super rich banks and speculators openly violating the "law of the land" and walking away scot-free.
Why do we put up with all this crap that just erodes our freedom, our initiative, our will to exist as a free people?
This government and our societal structure has been eroding the psyche of Americans for 50 or 60 years now, slowly but surely wearing us down from the Greatest Generation to Gen X, Y and Z.
We have either voluntarily given up or had taken away by bits and pieces virtually everything that used to represent Truth, Justice and The American Way.
Remember that phrase? Its from the first Superman TV series. And that was about the last time it actually meant something.
Since then, The American government has used its own people and servicemen in disgustingly dangerous experiments and/or programs with little or no regard to the rights, health and welfare of those individuals. From nerve gas and hallucinogens tested in subways of major cities to marching soldiers out into open fields and then exploding a nuclear device to see what effects it might have on those individuals.
Supreme Court decisions chipping away at the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
Legal barriers rising at all levels to protect government employees and agencies from responsibility and liability for their actions "under color of authority".
Governmental agencies and private bureaucracies fomenting rules, regulations and guidelines that have the force of law for the general citizenry.
Not so much for the American Nomenklatura, which is a Soviet term indicating those who are on the inside of the system that oppresses and or suppresses "the People", for whom they claim to speak. And, of course, their families, friends and proteges.
A class structure society has grown up, virtually undeclared and universally denied, but all the more real and factual for the "proletariat" (a Soviet epithet for the working and middle classes upon whose backs the society rides).
The "Big Lie" has become the order of the day. Mainstream media tirelessly promotes the status quo while also expounding on the faux image of modern American life.
Rap stars worth millions obscenity laden pseudo-poetry, sports stars making millions to act like violent apes,
Programming designed to create and/or foster the illusion that we are all going to be millionaires and superstars.
And millions of Americans are buying the "Big Lie". On credit. Or whatever it takes to "keep up with the Joneses".
So, I think I just answered my own question.
We have collectively bought the bullcrap "They" are selling. We did it to ourselves. Buying the Pie in the Sky. Trading our Freedoms for Security, while ending up with neither. Sticking our heads in the sand to avoid having to face the reality of our daily degradation.
And I say We intentionally, accepting my own share of guilt/shame/hopeless desperation and frustration attempting to rationalize the indignities foisted on me and my fellow Americans. The rights violations, the specious propaganda, the creeping socialism, the Sovietizing of America, The scandals of the super rich banks and speculators openly violating the "law of the land" and walking away scot-free.
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Spirits in The Sky
As a child I was indoctrinated in the Assembly of
God church. Bible thumpers and Holy
Rollers par excellence.
Later I was shunted to regular Baptist
As a fairly bright child who loved to read, I took
up the challenge of reading the Bible.
Without getting into incredibly involved theological
discussions of the novel, I learned enough from my reading to truly question the treatise and
its premises, not to mention the multitude of flights of fancy.
Needless to say, I lost interest in the subject of
religion. The normal result when someone
of average or above intelligence actually reads
the book.
And here I am talking about just the content of the
book, without even discussing the effects of various translations from and to
various languages and all the problems inherent with that process. Woh!
Anyway, over the years the whole premise of a
superbeing, omnipotent, omniscient and all pervasive over and around the earth,
who created the universe and THEN proceeded to concern itself with actions of
individuals on that earth to the point of interfering, i.e., stirring the pot,
from time to time with cryptic messages, portents, prophets, miracles, etc.,
etc., ad nauseum, really got to seeming pretty silly to me.
The visible evidence of Gawd’s power on Earth is and
was always in the hand of pompous sounding men, and occasionally women, who
mostly concerned themselves with how other
people behaved and offering some sort of hall pass for that behavior in
return for a sizable donation.
Salvation directly related to the size of said
donations…. Hmmmm?
Then, in my early adulthood I heard the story of how
one science fiction author, at a drunken debauchery (pronounced SciFi
convention) declaimed that “the only guaranteed way to make a lot of money
without the government taking a huge piece, was to invent a religion.!
15 or 20 years later, Scientology was born of L. Ron
So, this super being, this Gawd, everyone keeps
claiming they personally talked to and who wants us to send all our money to
them, has been personally responsible for more death and destruction than any
other single cause in the entire history of the world.
From Mammoth stampedes to the Crusades. From the Conquistadores to the
This God keeps telling his true believers to kill
somebody else in his name, so said true
believers can get into heaven. And,
after all, they are just Infidels. They
don’t really count as People, right? They will never get into our heaven, so
who cares what we do to them, except, of course, Gawd, who wants them wiped
out, but can’t quite manage a plague or a flood as the Biblical days. Hmmmmm?
I truly do not have a problem with anybody’s having
religion. Everybody’s life has to have a
structure to hang its premises on.
Everyone has them.
They are just different, right?
What bugs me is when those religious types start to
tell ME how to live right. What I am
doing wrong. How they Gawd is gonna get
Well, fine, then just let your Gawd come and get
me. Being Omniscient, he ought to be
able to find me, right.? And, if he is so
Omnipotent, why can’t he do it himself?
Why does he send a nutjob like Achmed, or Bubba Joe to do it.?
He could just send the creeping crud to do me
in. An avalanche of sewage, a hurricane,
or in my case, a raging semi at 75 mph would do the job nicely, now
wouldn’t it.?
And all this is truly irrelevant to those of us who
know the True State of Affairs on and around the Earth. The spirits of the animals, trees and
elements speak to us on a daily basis and try to show us the way to Happiness,
Success, Wealth, Enlightenment and all those other aspects of the good life
that escape most every member of humanity from time to time.
My personal favorite in the Wolf God, who is wholly
immaterial in body, yet makes his presence felt every time I get behind the
wheel, as his apparent forte is to create openings in freeway traffic whenever
I try to merge..
Seriously, it happens that I will start to merge and
there will suddenly be a gap or an opening that is the perfect size for my
vehicle, whatever size that is.
I can hear you laughing… but you expect ME to show
respect for your particular collections of dogma, stories, rituals and
beliefs. Hmmmmm? 21/1/12
See, now that is a Wolf God sign if ever I saw
one. Watch for earthquakes, volcanoes,
and other natural phenonema coming soon to your neighborhood.
Sunday, December 25, 2011
23 Dec 2011
On this the fourth day of our counter-Christian celebration
of the oldest of “holidays”, a multi-national protest of the religious
hijacking of said holiday, we find ourselves in a dilemma.
We had planned to roast a pig for the festivities, but some
idiot oiled the beast BEFORE catching the damn thing and after some exciting
interludes, the porker was last seen heading west at a high rate of speed.
So, we got some bacon from Safeway.
Then we planned to resurrect the Elder Gods with a ceremony
found in a crypt buried beneath a temple in the Ancient North.
Turns out the Ancient North is Del Paso Heights.. We resurrected three Cranksters and a dwarf
who doesn’t even speak English. But
then, neither do the cranksters. We
dropped them off at Loaves and Fishes where they met friends.
So, we put up a picture of Elvis Costello, who, it turns
out, isn’t even dead yet.
This just doesn’t seem to be working out the way we planned.
Then we started the Holy Dancing… , couldn’t find enough
drums, Coffee cans aren’t the same. And the dog wouldn’t hold still.
Put on a video of the Blue Man Group. Close, no cigar.
Tried a May Pole. Couldn’t
climb the pole. It’s December too. No young maidens to dance in circles,
either. No maidens of any kind.
Next was a sacrifice of entrails….
So, basically what it comes down to is, that since the
original celebration went so far wrong, we will now just thumb our noses at Christian
churches and fire logic bombs at demagogues and evangelists whenever we get the
Happy Whatever Season you adhere to.. May your year be as
pleasant as you deserve.
Christian Holiday
Saturday, November 26, 2011
AnarchoLibertarian ViewsSince I have apparently not been as widely published as I might have hoped I plan to assist things just a bit.
With this link I thee read.
Admittedly Anarcho Libertarian is not exactly Main Stream, but I feel that it is at the core of American values. The REAL values most Americans treasure.
The right to privacy from everybody, especially the government.
The right to do what you please in the privacy of your own home, without the okay of the government or your neighbor's nose.
The right to conduct business without some agency or bureaucrat taking a piece of the action, regardless of how little action there actually is or was.
The right to educate your children without somebody's dogma or political belief tainting the curriculum or pushing somebody else's political/religious/social/moral agenda.
The right to do your fair share as you see it, not being forced to follow guidelines set down by aforementioned burearcracy/agency/elected official.
Think about it. Aren't you really an Anarcho-Libertarian???
With this link I thee read.
Admittedly Anarcho Libertarian is not exactly Main Stream, but I feel that it is at the core of American values. The REAL values most Americans treasure.
The right to privacy from everybody, especially the government.
The right to do what you please in the privacy of your own home, without the okay of the government or your neighbor's nose.
The right to conduct business without some agency or bureaucrat taking a piece of the action, regardless of how little action there actually is or was.
The right to educate your children without somebody's dogma or political belief tainting the curriculum or pushing somebody else's political/religious/social/moral agenda.
The right to do your fair share as you see it, not being forced to follow guidelines set down by aforementioned burearcracy/agency/elected official.
Think about it. Aren't you really an Anarcho-Libertarian???
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